After a two-decade hiatus, the beloved family comedy “Freaky Friday” is set to return to the silver screen, with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis reprising their iconic roles. The confirmation came during Lohan’s recent appearance on Andy Cohen’s SiriusXM show, sparking excitement among fans of the original film.
It’s Official: The Sequel is Coming!
In a delightful exchange with Andy Cohen, Lindsay Lohan confirmed that a sequel to “Freaky Friday” is indeed in the works. Lohan responded affirmatively when pressed about the rumors involving her and Jamie Lee Curtis, albeit keeping details close to the chest. “I won’t say that yet…I don’t want to say too much,” she teased, echoing the anticipation built around the project.
The Long-Awaited Return
The journey back to the “Freaky Friday” universe has been extended, with the sequel officially in development, according to a report by The Hollywood Reporter last May. Curtis and Lohan are expected to return, bringing to Anna and Tess Coleman life again. The narrative spark for the sequel seemed to have been reignited by Curtis herself, who, after being prodded by fans and journalists during her press tour for “Halloween Ends,” felt compelled to push for the project. “It feels like there’s a movie to be made,” Curtis told the New York Times.
Why ‘Freaky Friday’ Continues to Resonate
The continued relevance of “Freaky Friday” can be attributed to its exploration of the complexities of adulthood and youth, a theme that Jamie Lee Curtis passionately discussed in an October 2022 interview with Rolling Stone. Based on walking a mile in another’s shoes, the story’s premise provides a timeless reflection on empathy and understanding, allowing it to remain a beloved tale through generations.
With the news of a “Freaky Friday” sequel officially confirmed, fans are on the edge of their seats, eager to see how the modern-day challenges of Anna and Tess Coleman will be portrayed. As Lindsay Lohan remarked, “Jamie and I are both open to that, so we’re leaving it in the hands that be. We would only make something that people would adore.” This new chapter promises to enhance the legacy of a film that has already captured the hearts of many.